About midway through my years in highschool, I became a propenent of hymn-based congregational worship. I had grown sick of the shallow lyrics in most contemporary music and saw hymns as the only valid alternative. Since then, my love for hymns old and new has further cemented my opinion that hymn-based, congregational worship was the best option. Since I knew that the class Hymnology was based on studying hymns, I assumed that my preference for hymn-based worship would only increase.
However, this was not the case. Instead of developing a deepening passion for congregational worship based in hymns, this class has helped develop a deepening passion for congregational worship based in truth. I truly have a better understanding of priorities in congregational worship. It is of primary importance that the saving and sanctifying knowledge of Christ, as proclaimed in the gospel, revealed in the Bible, permeates and defines the congregational worship. The packaging of that message is secondary and only valuable because it can aid that which is primarily important.
All this to say, I still think hymn-based congregational worship is perhaps the best form of congregational worship out there. And I have not lost an enthusiasm for worship forms which best aid the congregation. But I no longer confuse this secondary issue with that which is of first importance. Namely, the worship of God in Spirit and in truth.
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