Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 3's Order of Service

1. Singing
Hymn No. 38 "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise"
Hymn No. 23 "Lovely Child, Holy Child"
Hymn No. 229 "Gentle Mary Laid Her Child"

2. Dicussing
Preface to Gadsby's Hymns [1838]
"What is a Hymn?" by Margaret Clarkson

3. Testing
"The Lutheran Chorale"
Christmas Hymns [Mostly]

4. Discussing
"Traditional Hymn Based Worship" and their reponses

5. Reading Together
The Preface and Introducation to The Trinity Hymnal

6. Discussing
"9 ladies dancing, 8 maids-a-milking, 7 bloggers blogging"

7. Reading Together
Important words from your scripture passage that you want to use in stanza one of your hymn text.

8. Discussing
"Raising Ebenezer: Why are we misguided when we modernize hymn texts?" Gary Parrett
“Soothing Ourselves to Death: Should we give people what they want or what they need?” Charles Colson

9. Singing
Hymn No. 227 "On Christmas Night the Angels Sing"
Hymn No. 218 "Angels from the Realms of Glory"

"Go in Peace"

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