Sunday, May 10, 2009

MU 426 – Hymnology - Baptist Bible College
Summer School 2009 - Dr. David Harris, a.k.a. “Doc”

“Great hymns serve as prayer, praise, and proclamation in the context of worship. They often paraphrase a psalm, distill [increase the concentration of] the teaching of a specific scriptural passage, or relate doctrine or other spiritual truth by drawing on several biblical texts. Hymns are not emotionless. They make demands on the whole person . . . Fifty years ago the idea that one would need to argue in support of the existence and use of hymns in the worship of the church would have been laughable. Hymns were an element of Christian worship as customary as bread at mealtime. In the post-modern [Postmodernism is a term describing a wide-ranging change in thinking beginning in the early
20th century. Although a difficult term to pin down, postmodern generally describes the criticism of absolute, or unquestioned truths], post-Christian age [Post-Christian is a term used to describe a society which no longer accepts or adheres in the majority to classical Christian principles and theological concerns] in which we live, however, we should not be surprised that worship and worship music in evangelical churches have followed the path of our culture. Under closer examination one finds that our value system, musical and otherwise, reflects society’s primary philosophy [pragmatism], object of attention [ourselves] and occupation [our own amusement]. In this system, psalms and doctrinal poems set to music in the traditional form of Reformation congregational song do not appear relevant.” Paul S. Jones, Hymnody in a Post-Hymnody World [2003]

Course Description

A systematic, historical study of the origins [1] and purposes [2, 3] of the hymns of the church, including examination of hymns as literature, theological expression, devotional material, and musical expression [4]. Special emphasis will be given to the importance and viability of hymn singing in the 21st century [5, 6].

Course Objectives

Acquiring an understanding of the historical origins and purposes of the hymns of the Christian church [1, 3]

Recognizing the theological and musical components of hymns as literature, theological expression, devotional material, and musical expression [1, 4, 6].

Exploring, through student led discussion, hymnody against the backdrop of the 21st century worship spectrum [2].

Analyzing various contemporary responses to hymnody [3]

Singing and recognizing hymns of the Christian church [1, 4, 5]

Contributing to the viability and importance of hymn singing in the 21st century. [5, 6]

Course Requirements

1. Reading
William J. Reynolds and Milburn Price: A Survey of Christian Hymnody [1987] If new edition arrives we will synchronize the reading from this edition [which I am copying for you] into the new edition] 10%

Paul E. Engle [series editor] and Paul A. Basden [general editor]: Exploring the Worship Spectrum: 6 views [2004]

Daily Internet reading [see course outline]

2. Writing
Hymn Writing Project [see course outline] 20%

3. Singing
Daily singing of hymns [see course outline] Development of sight-reading and part-singing. 5%

4. Hearing
Recognizing 100 hymn names, hymn tune names, and meters from the Trinity Hymnal corresponding to its tuned played. [see testing]

5. Journaling
Daily “Blog” Journal entries 10%

6. Testing
Daily Testing
Comprehensive Cumulative Testing [May 15th and 22nd] 40%

7. Questioning and Conversing
Engaging daily conversations by crafting questions 15%

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